City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

06-13-2024 Utility Board Meeting Agenda

Key Colony Beach Utility Board
Thursday, June 13th, 2024 – 9:30 am
Marble Hall, 600 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach
& via Zoom Conferencing
Zoom Login Information at the end of this Agenda

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer & Rollcall

2. Agenda Additions, Changes, Deletions

3. Citizen Comments and Correspondence

4. Approval of Minutes: None

5. Items for Discussion/Approval
a. Continued Discussion/Approval on a Code amendment change to sewer lateral inspections timelines.

b. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation to the City Commission to defer properties in non-compliance with sewer lateral inspection requirements to the Special Magistrate.
i. Update by the Building Official on outstanding inspections
6. City Clerk’s Monthly Report

7. Sewer and Storm Water Grant update

8. Operator’s Monthly Report
a. May 2024
b. Maintenance Budget for re-use
c. RO Electric
9. Treasurer’s Report
a. Approval of Wastewater Financial Reports
i. Income Statement
ii. Balance Sheet
iii. Warrant No. 0524-WW in the amount of $60,049.82

b. Approval of Stormwater Financial Reports
i. Income Statement
ii. Balance Sheet
iii. Warrant No. 0524-SW in the amount of $2,500.00

10. Any Other Business

11. Next Meeting Discussion – Thursday, July 11th, 2024, 9:30 am
12. Adjournment


This meeting will be held at Marble Hall, 600 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach and via Zoom webinar.

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