City Committees
One of Key Colony Beach’s many highlights is the 6 very active Boards/Committees made up of 42 volunteers! These Boards/Committees oversee many important tasks ranging from the impeccable grooming of our City’s landscaping to assisting in the establishment of our Land Development Regulations. These Boards/Committees consist of the Beautification Committee, Code Enforcement Board, Disaster Preparedness, Planning & Zoning Board, Recreation Committee, and Utility Board.
Join a Committee/Board: Contact our City Clerk at or (305) 289-1212, Ext. 2
Committee Members
Beautification Committee
The Beautification Committee is made up of 8 volunteers, who serve 2-year terms. This Committee’s main goals include promoting higher standards of landscape design; educating residents in the proper selection and care of trees; initiating and assisting in the implementation of programs of general community beautification; serving to enhance the appearance of the municipality and its surrounding area; preparing and maintaining an annual budget.
Sandy Bachman, Chair | Dave McKeehan |
Pam Geronemus, Vice-Chair | Jo Corso |
Sandra Glassman | 2nd Alt, Vacant |
Mary Kohl 1st Alt, |
Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Preparedness is made up of 6 volunteers, who serve 1-year terms. This Committee provides a forum to share comments, issues, or concerns regarding public safety; encourages citizen participation and education regarding disaster preparedness; reviews and recommends changes to the City's Disaster Plan and City-wide evacuation plan.
Mayor Joey Raspe, Chair | Tony Loreno |
John Bartus, Vice-Chair | Mike Guarino |
Chief Kris DiGiovanni |
Planning & Zoning Board
The Planning and Zoning Board is made up of 7 volunteers, who serve 2-year terms. This Board reviews and makes recommendations to the City Commission on variances; helps establish changes to the City's Land Development Regulations; reviews subdivision plats, site plans and related impact reports, later making a recommendation to the City Commission; serves as the local planning agency responsible for the development of the local comprehensive plan.
George Lancaster, Chair | Leonard Geronemus |
Lin Walsh Vice-chair | Bob Glassman |
Carman Slusher 1st Alt. | Patricia Diebold 2nd Alt. |
Vacant |
Recreation Committee
The Recreation Committee is made up of 7 volunteers, who serve 2-year terms. This Committee reviews the upkeep, maintenance, and adequacy of the recreation facilities; proposes rules for use of the recreational facilities; arranges budget proposals on the upkeep, maintenance, and construction of the recreational facilities.
Richard Pflueger Chair | Barbara Tatarchuk |
Cindy Catto, Vice-Chair | Judy Burgett |
Tom Alferes | |
Carman Slusher 1st Alt, Vacant | Aleta Williamson 2nd Alt, Vacant |
Utility Board
The Utility Board is made up of 6 volunteers, who serve 1-year terms. The Utility Board oversees the Wastewater plant and the Stormwater activities for the City. The Wastewater plant is owned and operated by the City to support the needs of the residents. Oversight for meeting the environment requirements are reviewed monthly by the State of Florida. The Utility Board oversees the yearly budget, maintenance needs, and long-term capital needs for both areas of the City. The Board meets monthly to review business items that need to be addressed for both wastewater and stormwater. The Utility Board is governed by the City’s Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 and Chapter 15, and acts as an advisory Board to the City Commissioners. Wastewater Income is collected fees from the residents and commercial accounts. Stormwater income is collected through yearly property assessment.
Bill Fahs, Chair | Gil Gilbertson |
Edward Carey, Vice-Chair | Donald Steamer |
Joe Turgeon 1st Alt | Fred Swanson |
2nd Alt, Vacant |