City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

07-15-2024 City Commission FY24/25 Budget Workshop Agenda




Monday, July 15, 2024 – 9:30 A.M.

City Hall Auditorium – Marble Hall

600 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach

& via Zoom Conferencing

Zoom Login Information at the end of this Agenda


  1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Roll Call


  1. Explanation on the Budget Process, Government Financing, & TRIM


  1. Draft Budget Calendar (to be approved at the Regular City Commission meeting on July 18th, 2024)


  1. Guideline for Budget
    1. 2024/25 Estimated Taxable Value
    2. Estimated End of Year Cash Reserves
    3. General Fund 2023/2024 YTD Revenue and Expenditures
    4. FY24/25 Draft Utility Board Budget
    5. FY24/25 Draft General Budget & Millage Discussions


  1. Commission Direction/Discussion
    1. Mayor Raspe
    2. Vice Mayor Foster
    3. Secretary/Treasurer Harding
    4. Commissioner DiFransico
    5. Commissioner Colonell


  1. Department Requests
    1. Administration
    2. Building Department
    3. Police Department
    4. Public Works
    5. Code Department


  1. Adjournment


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