City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

07-17-2024 Planning & Zoning Meeting Agenda


Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 – 9:30 a.m.
Marble Hall, 600 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach, Florida 33051 & via Zoom Conferencing
Zoom Login Information at the end of this Agenda

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call

2. Agenda Additions, Deletions, or Changes

3. Citizen Comments & Correspondence

4. Approval of Minutes:
a. Planning & Zoning Board Meeting Minutes May 15th, 2024

5. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation to the City Commission on the appointment of Patricia Diebold as an alternate member to the Planning & Zoning Board

6. Discussion/Approval to change the meeting date from Monday, October 14th, 2024, to Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, due to the Columbus Day Holiday.

7. Administration of Oath of Witnesses

8. Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communication

9. 1st Discussion on Peril of Flood – Comprehensive Plan Amendments (2nd Discussion/Approval at the August 12th Planning & Zoning meeting)
a. Memorandum by LaRue Planning
b. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment
c. Proposed 5-year Schedule of Capital Improvements
d. Comments by Building Official Borysiewicz

10. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation to the City Commission by the Building Official for a revision to the City’s Floodplain Regulations.
a. Change of the Substantial Improvement time period calculations from 3 years to 1 year
b. Change of the Design Flood Elevation from FEMA Flood Zone plus 1 foot (FBC Requirement) plus 2 feet (City of Key Colony Beach additional freeboard) back to FEMA Flood zone plus 1 foot (FBC Requirement).

11. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation for the installation of a 15,000 lb. elevator-style boat lift on a canal that is less than 60 feet wide for the property located at 190 15th Circle
a. Presentation by the Building Department
b. Statement by Applicant
c. Letter of Consent from Neighbor
d. Planning & Zoning Board Discussion
e. Motion to recommend to approve, deny, or approve with conditions

12. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation for the installation of a 16,000 lb. 4 post boat lift for the property located at 43 Sadowski Causeway.
a. Presentation by the Building Department
b. Statement by Applicant
c. Letters of Consent from Neighbors
d. Planning & Zoning Board Discussion
e. Motion to recommend to approve, deny, or approve with conditions

13. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation of a Release of Unity of Title for the property located at Glunz Ocean Beach Club, Lots 8, 8A, 9, and 9A.
a. Presentation by the Building Department
b. Statement by Applicant
c. Planning & Zoning Board Discussion
d. Motion to recommend to approve, deny, or approve with conditions

14. Discussion/Approval for a recommendation to the City Commission of an Architectural Review for the property located at 1000 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach, Florida **Sent back to P&Z at the 06-20-2024 City Commission Hearing**
a. Presentation by the Building Department
b. Statement by Applicant
c. Planning & Zoning Board Discussion
d. Motion to recommend to approve, deny, or approve with conditions

15. Other Business

16. Next meeting: August 12th, 2024, 9:30 am

17. Adjourn


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