City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

11-16-2023 City Commission Regular Meeting

Thursday, November 16, 2023 – 9:30 am
Located at the Temporary Meeting Place for the City of Key Colony Beach,
at the Key Colony Inn Banquet Room, 700 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach
& Virtually via Zoom Conferencing
Zoom Login Information at the end of this Agenda

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Roll Call

2. Agenda Additions, Changes & Deletions

3. Appointment of Vacant Commission Seat
a. Introduction of candidates by the City Clerk
b. Candidate Statements
(Each candidate for the vacant City Commission seat may speak for five minutes).
c. Citizen Comments & Correspondence
(Members of the public may speak for three minutes in support or rebut of candidates. Correspondence received by the City Clerk will be made part of the record but not read into the record)
d. City Commissioner Questions/Comments
e. Call for Nominations
f. Vote by Commissioners
g. Swearing-in Ceremony
h. **Tentative** If a majority of Commission members are unable to agree upon a candidate to fill the vacant seat, candidates will need to qualify between December 4th-8th, 2023, noon to noon, for the March 19th, 2024, Election (dates provided by the Monroe County Supervisor of Elections Office). A majority vote is required for the agreement on dates.

4. Special Request
a. Proclamation – Ron Sutton Day: A Proclamation in honor of late Commissioner Ron Sutton proclaiming every second day of October of each and every year to be named “Ron Sutton Day”.

5. Citizen Comments and Correspondence
Key Colony Beach, Code of Ordinances: Sec. 2-90. – Public participation
(1) Public participation on agenda items: Members of the public may speak for three minutes on any agenda items; and may only speak once unless waived by a majority vote of the commission.
(2) Decorum. Members of the public shall not make inappropriate or offensive comments at a city commission meeting and are expected to comply with the rules of decorum that are established for commissioners. Individuals who violate any rules of the city commission may be ruled out of order by the mayor or on a point of order made by a commissioner. A majority vote of the city commission will rule on the point of order. An individual who violates the rules of decorum may be removed from the meeting at the direction of the mayor.

6. Approval of Minutes
a. October 19th, 2023 – City Commission Regular Meeting & Public Hearing Minutes

7. Committee and Department Reports
a. Marathon Fire/EMS – Marathon Assistant Fire Marshal Card
b. Police Department – Chief DiGiovanni
c. Building Department – Building Official Leggett
d. Public Works – Public Works Department Head Guarino
e. City Clerk – City Clerk Gransee
f. Code Enforcement Officer – Code Officer Goldman
g. Beautification Committee
h. Planning & Zoning Board
i. Recreation Committee
j. Utility Board

8. City Administrator Items for Discussion/Approval
a. Discussion/Approval of the Florida Coast Equipment quote in the amount of $16,795.16 for the purchase of
a Kubota Mower.
b. Discussion/Approval of the installation of signage for pickleball sponsor recognition
c. Discussion/Approval of calendar of events for the KCB Community Association for the 2023/2024 season
d. Discussion/Approval of CitizenServe Invoice No. 5308 in the amount of $16,800.00 for 2024/2025
e. Discussion/Approval to go forward with Request for Bids for the tennis courts
f. Update on the ‘Smart City’ Townhall Meeting on November 20th, 2023.

9. City Commissioner Items for Discussion/Approval
a. Discussion/Approval of a renewal agreement for legal services with the Firm of Vernis & Bowling of the
Florida Keys, P.A., for a period of one year beginning December 1, 2023, to December 1, 2024.
b. Discussion/Approval of Grant Agreement H1033 for the Dry Floodproofing of the City Maintenance Building

10. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report
a. October 2023 Financial Summary
b. Approval of Warrant 1023 in the amount of $476,168.08

11. City Attorney’s Report
a. Discussion: Naming/Renaming of city facilities or roads

12. Ordinances & Resolutions
a. Resolution 2023-18: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Key Colony Beach, Florida,
authorizing and approving designated email addresses for the City of Key Colony Beach Commissioners; providing for an effective date.

13. Commissioner’s Reports & Comments
a. Commissioner Harding
i. Monthly Covid Wastewater Report
ii. Update on the FDOT Tentative 5-year Plan 2024-2029

14. Adjournment


Please click below for the complete agenda.

11-16-2023 City Commission Regular Meeting & Public Hearing Agenda


This meeting will be held at the temporary meeting place for the City of Key Colony Beach at the Key Colony Inn Banquet Room at 700 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach, Florida, and virtually via Zoom.

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