City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

12-14-2023 City Commission Organizational Meeting




Thursday, December 14, 2023 – 9:30 am

Located at the Temporary Meeting Place for the City of Key Colony Beach,

at the Key Colony Inn Banquet Room, 700 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach

& via Zoom Conferencing

Zoom Login Information at the end of this Agenda



  1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer

The City Attorney will act as Parliamentarian until the Mayor has been elected.


  1. Call for Nominations for Office of Mayor and Election to That Office

Election Procedure:  Person(s) Is/Are Nominated, the Nomination Does Not Require a Second.  Votes are cast for each nominee.  Mayor is elected by majority vote.  A single nominee is elected by acclamation.

      Following the Election of the Mayor, the Mayor then chairs the meeting.


  1. Call for Nominations for Office of Vice-Mayor and Election to That Office

Election Procedure:  Person(s) Is/Are Nominated, the Nomination Does Not Require a Second.  Votes are cast for each nominee.  Vice-Mayor is elected by majority vote.  A single nominee is elected by acclamation.


  1. Call for Nominations for Office of Secretary-Treasurer and Election to That Office

Election Procedure:  Person(s) Is/Are Nominated, the Nomination Does Not Require a Second.  Votes are cast for each nominee.  Secretary-Treasurer is elected by majority vote.  A single nominee is elected by acclamation.


  1. Appointment by Motion to the Following Offices (May Be Done in One Motion, Procedure – Motion, 2nd, Rollcall):
  2. Chief of Police                         4.  City Building Official
  3. City Attorney                           5.  City Clerk
  4. City Administrator


  1. Appointment by Motion to Volunteer Committees (May Be Done in One Motion, Procedure – Motion, 2nd, Rollcall):

Beautification, Planning & Zoning, Recreation, Utility Board, Disaster Preparedness, CRS Committee


  1. Designation of Signers for Bank Accounts and City Investments (Procedure – Motion, 2nd, Rollcall): Mayor, Vice-Mayor, City Secretary-Treasurer, City Clerk -Two Signatures Needed for Transactions.  One Signature May Be City Clerk; One Signature May Be Any Other Designated Signer.


  1. Designation of Signers for Safe Deposit Box (Procedure – Motion, 2nd, Rollcall):

Mayor, Vice-Mayor, City Treasurer, City Clerk – One Signature Shall Be City Clerk; One Signature Shall Be Any Other Designated Signer.


  1. Adjournment





Item # 5.  Appointment by Motion to the Following Offices (May Be Done in One Motion):

* = First time appointee.  All others are being re-appointed.


  1. Chief of Police                         Kris DiGiovanni
  2. City Attorney                           Dirk Smits
  3. City Building Official             Gerald Leggett
  4. City Clerk                                Silvia Gransee
  5. City Administrator                  Dave Turner


Item # 6.  Appointment by Motion to Volunteer Committees (May Be Done in One Motion):

* = First time appointee.  All others are being re-appointed.


      Beautification – 2-year Term                 Dave McKeehan

                                                                        Pam Geronemus*

Jo Corso*

Sandra Glassman*


      Recreation – 2-year Term                      Judy Burgett*

                                                                        Richard Pflueger

Cynthia Catto*


      Planning & Zoning – 2-year Term        George Lancaster

                                                                        Bob Glassman*

Mike Yunker


      Utility Board – 1-year Term                   Anthony Fernandes

                                                                        Bill Fahs

Edward Carey*

Donald Steamer*


      Disaster Preparedness – 1-year Term   Dave Turner

Gerald Leggett

Mike Guarino

Kris DiGiovanni


      CRS Resident Appointment                  Kimmeron Lisle

      1-year Term



This meeting will be held at the temporary meeting place for the City of Key Colony Beach at the Key Colony Inn Banquet Room at 700 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach, Florida 33051, and via Zoom Conferencing.


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