● Fuel remains the critical issue in the keys. The City is maintaining 50% capacity and awaiting both diesel and regular fuel. We expect to receive fuel for our vehicles and wastewater plant generators within the next 24 hours.
● Water pressure is SLOWLY increasing in the Marathon area. FKAA crews along with KCB staff are locating leaks and shutting off unnecessary valves to increase pressures on the island. We will have better information by the evening update tomorrow.
● The Electric Co-op reports 13,500 customers are in service, or 42%. They expect to make further progress tomorrow and begin energizing a FEW streets, where it is SAFE to do so. Vice -Mayor reports on site it will take many days to sort out the losses on the KCB power grid, with poles and transformers down. Do not expect power soon. We will keep you posted as communication on site improves.
● Vice-Mayor Sutton met with FEMA today and we are asking FEMA for as much time as possible for paperwork, both personal or public, to be submitted for relief. More information coming soon on FEMA.
● Tomorrow, KCB staff will be distributing water and food to KCB residents. We will continue to get those supplies from Monroe County EOC as they are available.
● We have requested additional law enforcement to provide relief from our police department. More help should arrive tomorrow.
● Please heede the warning of our Sherriff and our officials, both our Mayor and Vice-Mayor,; KCB isn’t ready or open for business. Safety is the priority. I appreciate your patience and understand your frustration to return.