City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

From KCB Administrator Chris Moonis: as of the 9/14/17 at 8:30 AM

A new website has been established by Monroe County. It hasn’t been populated yet with a lot of information, but it will be soon. The web address is
Unfortunately, for those who want to return to Key Colony Beach in the near future, Monroe County Health Director advised us today for health and safety reasons, the Middle and Lower Keys could be closed off for up to 30 days. Only emergency personnel, approved supply distribution companies (e.g. Home Depot, Publix, etc.), and government authorized contractors will be allowed past the checkpoints. However, I do know the County EOC is having discussions with all key local government leaders to access the situation daily, trying to make a decision to SAFELY allow residents re-entry as soon as possible.
The Electric Co-op still suggests about 13,500 customer have power, while 19,000 are still out of service. We expect a crew in KCB today, however we do not know the extent to which service may be restored and where. I will likely have more details at the evening post to the website.
Communications are slowly improving for some in the greater Marathon area, however very spotty at best. AT&T is setting up their mobile antennas in the Marathon area so some cell service may start to come back on, albeit SLOWLY. Be advised however, as some cell services come on line, many people will be trying to use the cell towers and will limit communication. I suggest trying to text first as you have a better chance of a text going through.
The Sherriff is requesting additional law enforcement from outside the area to enhance patrols in the middle and lower keys. Primarily to prevent looting and to put more patrols into neighborhoods. Our PD has also requested additional law enforcement support. We expect to have additional resources in the next 24-48 hours. Our chief and his officers have been working tirelessly to protect the residents there and your property.
Fisherman’s is still closed. Mariner’s has limited emergency capability. The armed services is setting up a mobile hospital. Please check for additional details.
FKAA reports some slight pressure increase in the Marathon area however the water must be boiled first and without power that poses a significant health problem. Water is ONLY to be used for sanitation purposes.
In short, I know it is difficult to hear this news but the County must first ensure the public health. People who are in KCB and the Keys in general are themselves at risk and we cannot add to the problem with additional people at this time. The system can only support those there and those approved personnel needed there to recover as swiftly as possible.