The City Commission of Key Colony Beach would like to assure its residents of the continued advancement in the following important community projects/issues:
City Hall – The Commission has agreed to signing LIVS Associates for design services for our new City Hall. I have asked them for a report detailing a timeline for completion of the new City Hall. Small steps but continued progress!
Beautification Committee – The Beautification Committee has just re-mulched the gardens on the golf course. Daryl Rice has also added some trees to enhance the property. Looking great!
Safety – Please be careful driving in the City. We have heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic on the streets, so drive defensively.
COVID-19 – More and more people are getting vaccinated and hopefully this continues so we can minimize the impact of this virus in our area. Please, continue to wear masks and social distance!
City Administrator – Update: As of March 25th, the Commission chose Mr. David Turner for the position. Mr. Turner will be joining our City on April 12th.
Ron Sutton, Mayor