City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

Wastewater Sampling Update for Concern Virus’s – November 13, 2023


City of Key Colony Beach

Wastewater Sampling Update for Concern Virus’s – November 13, 2023

Overview of 3 main virus being tracked by CDC and State of Florida Health Department:

  • Covid-19 – decreasing/steady in Southeast Florida, Monroe County minor increase this week.
  • Influenza A H1N1 – increasing, Florida considered Moderate level.
  • RSV – decreasing.

Specific data for Key Colony Beach – wastewater sampling

  • Prior CDC contractor Biobot data collection ended 26Se23.
  • Onboarding process completed with new contactor, Verily.
  • Sample kits received for re-start of KCB sampling from Verily.
  • Sample collection placed on hold 23Oc23 due to lawsuit filed against the CDC for a bid protest from Biobot. Court date of 24Ja24.
  • New interim contract approved by the CDC with Verily on 09No23.
  • New interim contract approved with Key Colony Beach on 11No23, we can begin KCB wastewater sampling again with shipments to Verily.
    • Analysis to include SARS-Cov-2, MPXV, RSV, Influenza A, Influenza B


  • SARS-CoV-2 Virus – Covid -19
    • General overview data from CDC and Florida Dept of Health websites:
      • CDC Hospitalizations Summary – 115 cases, 0.00 % change from last week (Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe County data together, data through 28Oc23).
      • CDC Death rates due to Covid-19 in the last week for Florida, 2.2%, an 8.3% decrease from last week (data through 28Oc23)
      • Florida Department of Health Weekly Situation Report (data as of 03No23:
        • Overall State of Florida – 4,510 new cases (decreasing)
          • Monroe County – 18 new cases (increasing)
          • Dade County – 527 new cases (decreasing)
          • Broward County – 369 new cases (steady)

Please click below for the complete report.

Wastewater Sampling Update for Concern Virus’s – November 13, 2023