City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

City Hall Update – November 2024

City Hall Update
November 2024

There has been some confusion regarding the status of Key Colony Beach City Hall. I would like to clarify the current status and future plans.

Marble Hall is open and is being used by the City and the community. This includes the kitchen and the bathrooms. The Post Office has returned to its original location, all boxes restored, and the temporary trailer is gone. The portion of the building which had been used for city staff is undergoing repairs. The sunken floor is being supported by pin piles and leveled. Other portions which were damaged in Hurricane Irma are being repaired. In addition, the Commission approved a contract to have the remaining interior portions of the building removed. That work should start in the near future.

Separately, at a meeting on November 1, 2024, the Commission approved a concept extending City Hall approximately ten feet toward Ocean Drive. The extended portion would include an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and space for the Police Department on the second floor. We have confirmed that this extension will provide adequate space for our staff with some additional space for future expansion or for the addition of other facilities. The next step is contracting with an Architect to develop a conceptual arrangement for the building.

When the Conceptual arrangement is completed, a review including the Commission, the City Staff, and the Public will be conducted to ensure that the new structure meets the City’s needs.

Timing is important! The City was able to negotiate with the state the restructuring of the initial $2 million hardening grant. That grant can now be used for the expansion of City Hall, but the grant must be used by mid-2026. With that in mind we intend to move forward with deliberate speed in the procurement, design and construction of the expansion of City Hall.

Please remember that all decisions in this process were made in public meetings that were available to residents throughout the summer.

Mayor Raspe