Thursday, November 21st, 2024 – 9:30 am
Located at Marble Hall, 600 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach
& via Zoom Conferencing
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer & Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda (Additions, changes, and deletions can be made via one motion and a second to approve by majority vote)
3. Citizen Comments & Correspondence
4. Administration of Oath of Witnesses
5. Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communication
6. Discussion/Approval of a recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Board for the installation of a 33,000 lb. boat lift for the property located at 290 14th Street.
a. Presentation by the Building Department
b. Statement by Applicant
c. Letter of Consent from Neighbors
d. Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation
e. Motion to recommend to approve, deny, or approve with conditions
7. Other Business
8. Adjourn
This meeting will be held at the City Hall Auditorium ‘Marble Hall’,
600 W. Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beach, Florida 33051.
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