City of Key Colony Beach Official City Website

Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS)

A Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) is a local government plan, typically at county level, that is designed to reduce or eliminate risks to people and property from natural and man-made hazards. Mitigation strategies are supported by state government and federal programs, in line with the Disaster Mitigation Act.  MonroeCounty’s LMS Working Group is a coalition of representatives who work together to identify risks and to set priorities for addressing these risks. The city of Key Colony Beach adopts the Monroe County LMS on an annual basis.

Once these priorities have been determined by the Planning Group and put on a Master Initiatives List, the county is eligible for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding through Florida’s Division of Emergency Management (FDEM). Grant funds are intended to bring mitigation projects to fruition that would end up on a wishlist otherwise. Part of Monroe County’s eligibility for this grant money is determined by meeting its requirement to facilitate LMS working group meetings.

Current Local Mitigation Strategy Plan

The LMS Plan is updated every five years.

- 2021 Local Mitigation Plan - Final

Local Mitigation Strategy

- The Florida Greenbook: Environment and Historic Preservation Compliance

- Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance


- Hurricane Irma Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)


- Florida Division of Emergency Management Mitigation Bureau

- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance