Repetitive Loss Properties
What is a Repetitive Loss Property?
Properties that have had two or more claims of more than $1,000 paid by the National Flood Insurance Program within any 10-year period since 1978. Although some of these properties have had mitigation measures applied to them, most remain at risk of flooding.
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program:
Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
Property elevation
Localized minor flood reduction projects
Stormwater management
Infrastructure protection measures
Vegetative management/soil stabilization
Retrofitting existing buildings and facilities (wind/earthquake)
Safe room construction
Flood Mitigation Assistance Program:
Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
Property elevation
Localized minor flood reduction projects
Dry floodproofing of residential property
The residential structure must meet the definition of “Historic Structure” in
Dry floodproofing of non-residential structures
Stormwater management
Repetitive Flood Claims Program:
Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
Property elevation
Localized minor flood reduction projects
Dry floodproofing of non-residential structures
Severe Repetitive Loss Program:
Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
Property elevation
Mitigation reconstruction
The SRL Program allows mitigation reconstruction projects located outside the regulatory floodway or Zone V as identified on the effective Flood
Insurance Rate Map, or the mapped limit of the 1.5-foot breaking wave zone. Mitigation reconstruction is only permitted if traditional elevation cannot be implemented.
Localized minor flood reduction projects
Dry floodproofing of residential property
The residential structure must meet the definition of “Historic Structure” in 44 CFR § 59.1.1
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